Low Vision Rehabilitation and Low Vision Aids

Low Vision Rehabilitation and Low Vision Aids

Those with low vision are incapable of performing their routine activities. However that does not mean giving up the activities, but it does mean applying new ways of doing them. Instead of taking over their tasks, they need to be offered adjustments they need to make to maximize their independence.


Make the most of the remaining vision

In presence of a blind spot (scotoma) in the centre of the vision, it is helpful to locate the “next best spot.” For instance, the centre of a large clock face may not be seen. So the eyes are moved along the clock numbers and the position at which the centre is seen most clearly is noted. That same viewing direction is used for other objects.


Low vision aids

Optical low vision aids. These make routine objects look larger and easier to see.

Hand magnifiers. There are simple to use. Some have built-in lights.

Magnifying spectacles. They can be used for reading, threading a needle, or doing other close-up tasks keeping the hands free.

Stand magnifiers. These magnifiers rest above the object one is looking at. This is helpful to people who have a tremor or arthritis.

Telescopes. These are used to see objects or signs far away. Some telescopes can be attached to eyeglasses. Others are held like binoculars.

Video magnifiers. These electronic devices make printed pages, pictures, or other small objects look bigger.

Low vision devices. These are specially designed to help with everyday tasks.

Audio books. One can listen to text that is read aloud.

Smartphones and tablets let one change word size, adjust lighting and use voice commands. There also are many apps to choose from.

Computers that can read aloud or magnify what is on the screen.

Talking items such as watches, timers, blood pressure cuffs, and blood sugar machines.

Large-print books, newspapers, magazines, playing cards and bank checks.

Telephones, thermostats, watches and remote controls with large-sized numbers and high contrast colours.

New advances in consumer technology are not a cure-all for those with low vision. But for many people, these digital devices and apps offer more options for portable, lower-cost low vision aids.


Low vision techniques

Use these low vision techniques to help with everyday tasks.

Increase the amount of light in the house. Replace light bulbs with higher watt bulbs and add more lamps in lower-light areas.

Reduce glare. Adjust lights inside so they don’t create glare. Shield the eyes by wearing a wide-brimmed hat or wrap-around sunglasses outside.

Create more contrast. Like using a coloured tablecloth with white dishes.

Use heavy, bold felt tip markers to write shopping lists or to take notes.

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