Micro Incision Vitrectomy Surgery (MIVS)

Micro Incision Vitrectomy Surgery (MIVS)

The surgery done to remove the vitreous gel from the eye is called as Vitrectomy.
The vitreous may need to be removed in order to safely access the abnormal retinal tissue or at times the vitreous itself may be abnormal.
The technique of vitrectomy has come a long way since the first surgeries were performed in the 1960s with incisions of nearly 10-12mm sizes (open sky vitrectomy).
Standard vitrectomy surgery which was used for many years used incisions of 0.9mm (20G). Now the wound sizes have been further brought down to 0.7mm (23G), 0.5mm (25G), 0.4mm (27G) and even 0.3mm (30G).
These smaller gauge surgeries are known as Micro-Incision Vitrectomy Surgeries (MIVS).

Advantages of MIVS:

  • Lesser complications (closed chamber surgery)
  • Faster recovery (less inflammation)
  • Increased patient comfort (Sutureless)
  • Lesser refractive error (lesser scarring)
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